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AP 2D Art & Design
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This course is intended for students who are serious about art. Students should be aware that AP work involves significantly more commitment and accomplishment than the typical high school class. Students will need to produce work outside of the classroom, as well as in it, and beyond scheduled class periods.

All works created in this course should be high-quality, finished pieces, with an overall appearance of refined technique and solid application of skills. 

Art Journal

Students will document their artistic ideas and practices to demonstrate conceptual and skill development over time. This course will emphasize use of Art Journals (sketchbooks). They will be the core source of ideation and documentation of their art making. Artist growth, ideas, and final artworks will be investigated through the use of these books.


Portfolio should be submitted by May 5, 8pm ET

The AP Art and Design portfolios each consist of two sections:

  • Sustained Investigation (60% of Total Score)
    15 digital images of works of art and process documentation that demonstrate sustained investigation through practice, experimentation, and revision.

    Throughout their sustained investigation, students need to document—with images and words—practice, experimentation, and revision using materials, processes, and ideas as well as skillful synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas.

    Reflection on these findings will occur through a weekly critique at which a time mindful discussion will assist in formulating best practices. From their documentation of thinking and making, students select images and writing to include in their portfolio that most effectively demonstrate sustained investigation according to AP Art and Design Portfolio Exam assessment criteria.

    Each image should include specifications (max. 100 characters, incl. spaces) of used materials and processes, and original size (height x width x depth).
    Written Evidence: 2 written documentations (max. 600 characters, incl. spaces):
    - Identified questions or inquiry that guided the sustained investigation
    - Description of how the investigation shows evidence of practice, experimentation, and revision guided by the inquiry.
  • Selected Work Section (40% of Total Score)
    5 digital images of five works that each demonstrate synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas.
    Each image should include written specifications (max. 100 characters, incl. spaces) of idea(s), materials, and processes used.

More information about Portfolio is here.

semester 1

Independent creating
September October Mid-November November December Mid-January

Join class section on College Board.

Personal investigation, idea/concept development. College Board videos

Art journal.

Written explanations on the development of ideas.

Art journal

Begin the research/investigative process of the sustained investigation.

Art journal

Media study

Develop and refine their sustained investigation part of the portfolio.

Portfolio submission opens on College Board

A sustained investigative process should be begun in a specific direction of art making.

Continuous work in the sustained investigation with ideas documented as it progress in Art journal (weekly)


Questions game

week 1 - register and join class on College Board. Watch instructional videos on College Board site.

weeks 2-4 - preliminary research, mind mapping, inspiration and idea search. Watch instructional videos on College Board site.


week 1 - formulating ideas, record in Art journal

weeks 2-3 - research and sketches, reference documentation

week 4 - complete written explanation on the idea development


weeks 1-3 - media exploration, justification of techniques and processes to achieve the visual impact and support the idea. Organize and document the research/investigative process of the sustained investigation - have images 1, 2, and 3 of the Sustained investigation done.

weeks 4, 5 - Refine and revisit the idea, continue with Sustained investigation - images 4 and 5; photography tips

Complete Selected work #1


weeks 1-3 - decide on media and plan out the main pieces. Start sketching and practicing in a specific direction. Sustained Investigation images 6-9. Start digital portfolio.

Complete Selected work #2.


weeks 1-3 - Complete Selected work #1; continue with Sustained investigation work - images 10-12

semester 2

Independent creating
Finalizing portfolio and submission process
January February March April May

Continuous work in the sustained investigation with ideas documented as it progress in Art journal (weekly)

Continuous work in the sustained investigation with ideas documented as it progress in Art journal (weekly)

Students should have 90% of their sustained investigation developed.

Finalize, complete uploading, and choose five Selected Works for the final portfolio submission.

Submission deadline in class is April 19

Completing the entire process of the AP 2-D Art and Design portfolio.

As soon as the Digital Submission is available online, students will upload, resort, refine, and explain their sustained investigation until the final deadline is met.

Deadline is May 5, by 8pm ET


week 4 - Sustained investigation images 13-14


weeks 1-3 - Complete Selected work #3

week 4 - Sustained investigation image 15


week 1-3 - Complete Selected work #4

weeks 4 - Documentation and organization; digital portfolio


week 1 - work on Digital portfolio; complete written evidence section

week 2 - Complete Selected work #5

week 3 - Complete all work.


Submit portfolio by the deadline.

Wisconsin essential standards rubric

  no evidence Beginning Emerging Proficient Advanced

AA1 Cr.11
planning & experimentation

aligned with
AP skill 1:

inquiry & investigation

Work is not complete and/or does not show the process from specified instructions or there is no evidence. The artwork does not fulfil the task. Steps were not followed. No evidence of careful planning and experimentation. The artwork is lacking the proper planning. Student did not follow all steps of the process and did not demonstrate effort and attention to details. Student followed the process, did accurate planning, experimented with Elements and Principles of Art. Artwork demonstrates effort and attention to details. Artwork demonstrates a careful planning. Work represents an advanced use of given elements and principles of design. Student displayed an outstanding effort in regards to application and understanding of the content. Artwork shows individual style, careful planning, multiple revisions and attention to details.

AA1 Cr.12

aligned with
AP skill 2:

practice & experimentation

Work is not complete and/or does not show the process from specified instructions or there is no evidence. Student somewhat followed the process. Some steps are skipped or incomplete. Work requires major improvement. Student mostly followed the process. Work shows some skills and basic/partial understanding of the process. Student followed the process exactly as the instructions specified. Work shows proper use of skills and techniques. Student followed the process exactly as the instructions specified and, in addition, the piece exhibits evidence of creative experimentation beyond the required task. Craftsmanship and attention to details are flawless.

AA2 Pr.10
aesthetics & communication

aligned with
AP skill 3:

communication & reflection

The artwork does not comply with the task and instructions, there is no personal involvement in the process or there is no evidence. The artwork communicates little effort and personal emotional involvement in the process. Student tried using elements and principles of art to solve the aesthetic task. Some areas need improvement. Student used elements and principles of art properly and conveyed a clear message. Artwork shows individuality and effort. The artwork displays a clear meaning and style of the assignment. Artwork communicates specific art style or other requirements. The message is clearly communicated. Student went above and beyond in the use of Art Elements and Principles to convey a clear message, showed understanding of the task, and solved the task in the most creative way. Artwork shows individuality and emotion involvement.